National Volunteer Week April 10-16

Posted by x2VOL on Apr 5, 2016 10:12:37 AM


Striving to encourage volunteerism among your students for National Volunteer Week?

Student volunteers across America will get involved in the community by joining the National Volunteer Week movement. Here’s what you need to know:

What is National Volunteer Week?

National Volunteer Week is a yearly celebration observed in the United States and in Canada in April, to encourage and show appreciation for volunteerism. Each year, the President of the United States issues a proclamation for this commemorative week. The first occurred in 1974 and was issued by President Richard Nixon and since then, year after year, millions of volunteers have served their community.

To view the 2015 U.S. proclamation, click here.

This year, during April 10th – 16th a wide-array of organizations across the country will host special events to promote volunteerism and engage local residents. The goal is to raise awareness about the needs in their community and encourage volunteerism year-round.

Needing a little extra help explaining the benefits of volunteerism to your students? Here’s just a short-list of the many benefits:

What are the benefits of volunteering?

  • Volunteers are exposed to a world of learning and new experiences:
    • Our communities are comprised of individuals from different backgrounds. Getting connected with a non-profit exposes volunteers to the needs of the community. It allows the volunteer to get a glimpse of someone else’s life through a lens other than their own. Volunteering is a window to the world and the possibility of learning new skills.
  • Volunteers gain personal growth and self-esteem
    • Volunteers explore hidden talents that may increase self-esteem. It allows them to stretch intra-personal skills and practice communication outside of their close circle of friends and family.
  • Volunteering strengthens your community
    • Being involved with community needs helps foster empathy and self-efficacy among volunteers. You have the opportunity to work with children, seniors, and people of all ages. You have a caring choice to help the community with your time and talents.


How can students get involved? Where can they volunteer?

  • If your students are already using x2VOL to log their service hours, encourage them to log on to find opportunities. Many organizations have already posted volunteer opportunities for next week!
  • Student volunteers can check out local animal shelters, food banks, donation centers, churches and local non-profits for opportunities.
  • Post to social media using #NationalVolunteerWeek, we’d love to share what your student’s are dong in the community!

If you are interested in an app for tracking community service or learning more about x2VOL, please contact us today! We would love to hear about your service program and how x2VOL can help you go digital with managing and tracking student service hours!


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