x2VOL Blog: Tracking Service Hours at your School

How Service Can Improve Student Motivation and Attitude

Posted by x2VOL on Apr 10, 2024 11:18:20 AM


Following the pandemic, students are facing increased mental health issues and anxiety. During lockdowns, social media became a lifeline to keep everyone connected, but now it is contributing to increased pressure and anxiety for students. Between social media, online shopping, AI, etc. - society has never been online more than right now. Additionally, even parts of education have even moved online as districts had to adapt to the changing education landscape during the pandemic.

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Topics: community service, how to engage students in service, engage students in service, professional development, student development

From Student to Employee: The Transformative Power of x2VOL

Posted by Kaylee Cooley on Jun 12, 2023 1:15:33 PM

Before joining the National Honors Society in high school, the idea of volunteering and serving others rarely crossed my mind. As a young student-athlete, I believed I never had enough time in my schedule to engage in volunteer work. However, upon becoming a member of NHS, I was required to complete a certain number of volunteer hours. This compelled me to start volunteering within my school, and it didn't take long for me to contemplate participating in larger-scale projects.

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Topics: national honor society, nhs, community service, service reflections, volunteer, engage students in service, professional development, finding belonging through service

18 Volunteer Ideas For Summer

Posted by x2VOL on May 30, 2023 9:30:21 AM

Summer vacation is a great opportunity for students to engage in their communities and gain valuable experience through volunteer work. Volunteering not only helps others but also provides personal growth, skill development, and a sense of accomplishment. By making service a daily or weekly habit students can create a positive routine and develop strong connections with others. Here are 18 summer volunteer ideas for students who are looking for inspiration:

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Topics: community service, volunteer ideas, summer service ideas, service ideas

Finding Belonging Through Service

Posted by x2VOL on May 15, 2023 1:50:17 PM

In a time where connection is seemingly only built through phone screens and Instagram comments, in-person, face-to-face connection between students is dwindling. Lack of social interaction and seeing past immediate needs and wants can leave individuals feeling isolated and alone. Unsurprisingly, students can be left lacking a sense of belonging.

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Topics: community service, service, how to engage students in service, engage students in service, service learning, finding belonging through service

Spring Break Volunteer Ideas for Students

Posted by x2VOL on Feb 28, 2023 4:22:52 PM

As Spring Break approaches, now is a great time for students to start brainstorming how to fulfill their volunteer hours during the break. This is a perfect opportunity for students to use the time off from school to engage with their communities.

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Topics: community service, spring break, volunteer ideas, community service ideas, spring break community service ideas, service ideas, student service

Allen HS Day of Service: Re-Engaging Students [On-Demand Webinar]

Posted by x2VOL on Jun 14, 2022 1:44:54 PM

Allen High School, one of the largest high schools in the state of Texas is establishing a strong culture of service on their campus. In the fall of 2021, as a way to re-engage students in service after the pandemic, Allen High School hosted their first Eagle Give Day, a day of service on their school's campus. They hosted their second Eagle Give Day in March of 2022 and we sat down with them to hear how it went, what they learned, and the impact on the students. Their event was an incredible success as students had increased leadership opportunities and the opportunity to learn about service activities right in their own backyard. Hear more in our on-demand webinar above.

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Topics: volunteering ideas, volunteering, community service, how to engage students in service, engage students in service, service learning, social emotional learning, service ideas, online service tracking, day of service, service event, Allen High School

How to Reengage Students Post COVID

Posted by x2VOL on Mar 7, 2022 1:58:41 PM

There’s no doubt that the past two years have taken a toll on students.

There has been a significant loss of learning, development, and personal growth. Students have experienced isolation from a myriad of social situations. Many students even began high school during the pandemic and didn't return to campus well into their high school careers.

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Topics: volunteering, service tracking, community service, service reflections, service hour tracking, service requirement, service, volunteer, engage students in service, service learning, community service ideas, social emotional learning, service ideas, how to track service, online service tracking

How reflections play a role in student development & service learning

Posted by x2VOL on Jul 20, 2021 11:25:01 AM

Student development outside of academic achievement has become a priority for schools across the country. Educators focus on student outcomes that revolve around social-emotional growth and skills development in addition to academics.

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Topics: service tracking, community service, service reflections, service learning, student service, student outcomes, student development

10 Virtual & Socially Distant Service Projects Students Can Do

Posted by x2VOL on Feb 26, 2021 9:39:14 AM

This past year students have had to get creative when volunteering and serving in their communities due to COVID-19. Service leaders have modified service programs. 

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Topics: volunteering, community service, service, service ideas, virtual service, virtual service projects, online service

Online and Socially Distant Service Opportunities for Students

Posted by x2VOL on Sep 17, 2020 2:37:43 PM

Service has never been more important! Schools continue to modify and adapt their service program to account for the changes COVID-19 has brought to the education system. But one thing that hasn't changed, is students' drive to serve others and impact the world around them. 

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Topics: volunteering, community service, community service ideas, online service opportunities, virtual service opportunities, covid-19, virtual service

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Tracking High School Service Hours