18 Volunteer Ideas For Summer

Posted by x2VOL on May 30, 2023 9:30:21 AM


Summer vacation is a great opportunity for students to engage in their communities and gain valuable experience through volunteer work. Volunteering not only helps others but also provides personal growth, skill development, and a sense of accomplishment. By making service a daily or weekly habit students can create a positive routine and develop strong connections with others. Here are 18 summer volunteer ideas for students who are looking for inspiration:

Bonus content: Check out our blog post about how students find belonging and purpose through service.

Local Nonprofit Organizations
Nonprofit organizations are always in need of volunteers, especially during the summer months when many regular volunteers are on vacation. Volunteer at organizations that you are interested in this is a great way to give back to the community while also gaining experience in a specific field.

  1. Volunteer at a food bank
  2. Volunteer at an animal shelter
  3. Create care packages for local shelters

Summer Camps
Summer camps are a great way for students to gain experience working with children and develop leadership skills. Many summer camps rely on volunteers to help with activities, supervision, and general support. Look for summer camps that align with your interests.

  1. Volunteer at Theater Camps
  2. Volunteer at Music Camps
  3. Volunteer at Art Camps
  4. Volunteer at Sports Camps

Local Project
Many communities have ongoing service projects that require volunteers, such as park cleanups, community gardens, or building projects. Check with your local government or community organizations to see what service projects are available in your area.

  1. Participate in a Blood Drive
  2. Volunteer at your local library
  3. Volunteer at a Community Event

Hospital/Nursing Home
Volunteering at a hospital or nursing home can be a rewarding experience for students who want to make a difference in the lives of others. Students can help with activities, provide companionship, or assist with administrative tasks. When working in a nursing home or hospital, students are able to connect with different generations and learn from their wisdom.

  1. Create quilts for patients in hospitals
  2. Be a Pen Pal for seniors in nursing homes
  3. Coordinate a donation drive for hospitals and nursing homes

Create Your Own Project
If you have other skills and talents that you would like to use to help your community, you can create your own service project! Think about how your skills can be used to help your community and make it happen!

  1. Offer tutoring lessons to other students
  2. Host a food drive to support local shelters
  3. Help your neighbors with yard work
  4. Support local organizations using social media or technology skills
  5. Coordinate a clothing drive for donation to local charities

By choosing a volunteer opportunity that aligns with their interests, students can make a difference while also developing personal and professional skills. Whether it's volunteering at a local nonprofit, participating in a community service project, or volunteering abroad, there are many ways for students to make a positive impact this summer.

If your students need a place to catalog their service hours and experiences from summer, x2VOL is here to support you by making it easy to track everything online.


Topics: community service, volunteer ideas, summer service ideas, service ideas

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