Students! Community service is an important part of your high school career. Through service you have the opportunity to build character, make an impact in your community and develop a resume of volunteer experience you can utilize in your college applications.
Topics: volunteering, service tracking, official service transcript, service hours
How reflections play a role in student development & service learning
Student development outside of academic achievement has become a priority for schools across the country. Educators focus on student outcomes that revolve around social-emotional growth and skills development in addition to academics.
Topics: service tracking, community service, service reflections, service learning, student service, student outcomes, student development
There’s no doubt that the past two years have taken a toll on students.
There has been a significant loss of learning, development, and personal growth. Students have experienced isolation from a myriad of social situations. Many students even began high school during the pandemic and didn't return to campus well into their high school careers.
Topics: volunteering, service tracking, community service, service reflections, service hour tracking, service requirement, service, volunteer, engage students in service, service learning, community service ideas, social emotional learning, service ideas, how to track service, online service tracking
Prior to the pandemic schools and districts had a focus on the emotional development of students ensuring they have personal growth beyond what they learn in textbooks.
However, after the onset of COVID-19 and as students try to heal from the past year and a half, social-emotional learning has become a necessity for schools. Today's students have experienced so many shifts in learning, social interactions, the way they engage in their communities, and more. Social-emotional learning is a mode of healing from the traumas of the past year and a way to grow positively from the massive changes in our world.
"Without community service, we would not have a strong quality of life. It's important to the person who serves as well as the recipient. It's the way in which we ourselves grow and develop." - Dorothy Height
Learn More: What is Social-Emotional Learning?
Why is social-emotional learning important for a student's future?
Not only is social-emotional growth an important healing element for students, but it's also vital for future success. Colleges look for students that will be a positive addition to their campus - students that have a widened world view and developed self-awareness fit the bill. Aside from college acceptance, this type of personal growth allows a student to be more well-rounded. They will be more successful in all aspects of life including personal relationships, university, workplace, and more.
The core competencies that encompass social-emotional learning are responsible decision making, social awareness, relationship skills, self-awareness, and self-management. There are many volunteering opportunities students can engage in to impact their social-emotional growth:
Topics: service tracking, service reflections, service hour tracking, volunteer ideas, community service ideas, social emotional learning, service ideas, how to track service, student outcomes
E-Guide: The Simple Way to Track Work-Based Learning, Service, & More
Does your school recognize or require service? Have a work-based learning or internship requirement? Or maybe a Career and Technical Education program? The process to track, manage, and report on, those programs can be time-consuming.
Topics: service tracking, work-based learning, CTE, internship tracking, online service tracking
Tracking Internships & WBL in x2VOL: Interview with Brighton HS
Brighton High School in Rochester, New York is dedicated to preparing students for their futures. With a robust internship and work-based learning program, school leaders are providing a means for students to gain skills, develop responsibility, and grow in addition to their classes.
Bonus Content: What is Work-Based Learning?
Topics: service tracking, work-based learning, CTE, internship tracking
How Newark Academy Students Serve & Reflect During COVID-19
School campus closures and transitioning to distance learning haven't stopped the students of Newark Academy from serving their community in powerful ways this past semester.
Topics: volunteering, service tracking, community service, virtual service opportunities, virtual service, coronavirus service, q and a
Participating in community service is more than just a chore or something to check off the list. It can be an extremely transformative experience for students, opening their eyes to a whole new world outside of their day-to-day bubble.
Topics: volunteering, service tracking, community service, service reflections, service hour tracking, student, service, volunteer, how to engage students in service, engage students in service, service learning, volunteer ideas, community service ideas
Spring break is the perfect time of year to spend time serving in your community. Whether it's through a week-long service project or time spent volunteering at a local nonprofit, this is a great time to volunteer.
Topics: volunteering ideas, volunteering, service tracking, community service, service hour tracking, student, service, volunteer, volunteer ideas, community service ideas, alternative spring break, spring break community service ideas
It's a topic that is always discussed - preventing falsification of service hours. Paper forms and physical signatures make falsification tempting to many students in public and private schools. We'd like to believe that it's a rare occurrence but many service leaders know who they need to double check.
Topics: volunteering, service tracking, community service, preventing students from falsifying service hours, service hour tracking