There are a number of elements that go into creating a successful service learning program in your school! It can be challenging to engage students and inspire them to get out into the community and serve those around them.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Official Service Transcript™
Have you been diligent in completing service hours throughout your high school career? Make sure you use these hours to benefit your future!
Topics: service tracking, community service, official service transcript, frequently asked questions, official service transcript faq
Spring cleaning is not (and shouldn’t be) reserved for the household. Every now and then, things start to pile up at school, your extra-curricular activities, and perhaps your part-time job. Spring cleaning is about refocusing and recharging. It’s about getting rid of excess and bringing in new strategies to promote success.
Topics: volunteering, service tracking
Simplifying the Service Side of National Honor Society (NHS)
Community service is an important aspect of National Honor Society membership. In fact, it is part of the NHS motto: “Scholarship, leadership, character, and service.” To honor this motto, many high schools require their NHS members to take part in a certain number of service hours each year.
Topics: service tracking, national honor society, njhs, nhs, national junior honor society
So, your student has an x2VOL account. Do not be stressed; it’s a good thing.
At its simplest, x2VOL helps keep track of your student’s volunteer hours. When they need to apply for a job or college, they can refer back to their account where their hours have been diligently noted.
What does a student do on x2VOL exactly?
- Search for local volunteer opportunities
- Record service hours
- Receive approval/denial of service hours by school administrator
- Print service transcript
Topics: volunteering, service tracking