Student development outside of academic achievement has become a priority for schools across the country. Educators focus on student outcomes that revolve around social-emotional growth and skills development in addition to academics.
How reflections play a role in student development & service learning
Topics: service tracking, community service, service reflections, service learning, student service, student outcomes, student development
Following the pandemic, students are facing increased mental health issues and anxiety. During lockdowns, social media became a lifeline to keep everyone connected, but now it is contributing to increased pressure and anxiety for students. Between social media, online shopping, AI, etc. - society has never been online more than right now. Additionally, even parts of education have even moved online as districts had to adapt to the changing education landscape during the pandemic.
Topics: community service, how to engage students in service, engage students in service, professional development, student development
Topics: student, social emotional learning, student service, student development
Steps to Re-Engage Students in Service & Increase Motivation
There has been a significant loss of learning and development due to the pandemic. However, as the world emerges from the pandemic and students are able to return to a more typical education experience, there is a great opportunity for educators to help motivate students and re-engage students in service.
As students heal from the impact of the pandemic and get settled in their new normal, it can be a challenge for them to feel the motivation to participate in extracurriculars and service.
Topics: volunteering, how to engage students in service, career readiness, community service ideas, online service tracking, student development