Are your students on the hunt for service ideas? We've got you covered. Whether your students are doing in person, socially distanced, or virtual service experiences this semester, there are so many opportunities for your students to get involved and make a difference in their communities.
Through these service experiences, students have the opportunity to reflect on their impact, grow as individuals, and heal emotionally from the changes they've experienced over the past year.
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engage students in service,
social emotional learning,
service ideas,
how to track service,
virtual service,
low contact service ideas,
online service tracking
There has been a significant loss of learning and development due to the pandemic. However, as the world emerges from the pandemic and students are able to return to a more typical education experience, there is a great opportunity for educators to help motivate students and re-engage students in service.
As students heal from the impact of the pandemic and get settled in their new normal, it can be a challenge for them to feel the motivation to participate in extracurriculars and service.
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how to engage students in service,
career readiness,
community service ideas,
online service tracking,
student development
Allen High School, one of the largest high schools in the state of Texas is establishing a strong culture of service on their campus. In the fall of 2021, as a way to re-engage students in service after the pandemic, Allen High School hosted their first Eagle Give Day, a day of service on their school's campus. They hosted their second Eagle Give Day in March of 2022 and we sat down with them to hear how it went, what they learned, and the impact on the students. Their event was an incredible success as students had increased leadership opportunities and the opportunity to learn about service activities right in their own backyard. Hear more in our on-demand webinar above.
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volunteering ideas,
community service,
how to engage students in service,
engage students in service,
service learning,
social emotional learning,
service ideas,
online service tracking,
day of service,
service event,
Allen High School
There’s no doubt that the past two years have taken a toll on students.
There has been a significant loss of learning, development, and personal growth. Students have experienced isolation from a myriad of social situations. Many students even began high school during the pandemic and didn't return to campus well into their high school careers.
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service tracking,
community service,
service reflections,
service hour tracking,
service requirement,
engage students in service,
service learning,
community service ideas,
social emotional learning,
service ideas,
how to track service,
online service tracking
While students are busy serving in their communities all year long, the holidays months are a great opportunity for students to give of their time and effort to benefit others.
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holiday volunteer ideas,
community service ideas,
holiday service ideas,
online service tracking,
holiday service ideas for students,
holiday volunteer opportunities
Does your school recognize or require service? Have a work-based learning or internship requirement? Or maybe a Career and Technical Education program? The process to track, manage, and report on, those programs can be time-consuming.
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service tracking,
work-based learning,
internship tracking,
online service tracking
Christian Service Coordinator, Ogechi Akalegbere, is a service champion at Connelly School of the Holy Child. Her primary goal is to help her students connect to meaningful service experiences and projects throughout the school year. Through service, students learn about themselves and God’s love. Service is also an essential component to teach justice, peace, compassion, and faith to the girls. Sixth through 11th grade are required to complete a variety of service hours anywhere from home, school, church to local nonprofits. Making sure students are involved with direct service is key to the Christian Service Program.
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volunteering ideas,
service hour tracking,
how to engage students in service,
engage students in service,
service learning,
community service ideas,
social emotional learning,
service ideas,
community service tracking form,
how to track service,
online service opportunities,
virtual service opportunities,
virtual service projects,
online service tracking
Student service continues to develop in the ever-changing COVID-19 world. However, 2021 might look a little bit different than 2020. In April 2021, x2VOL surveyed administrators, service leaders, and nonprofit organizations to better understand the impact COVID-19 had on community service in the Spring 2021 semester and what the outlook is for Fall 2021.
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state of service 2021,
state of service,
direct service,
service report,
student service,
online service tracking