x2VOL has received the CODiE Award for Best Social Emotional Learning Platform two years in a row. But what is Social Emotional Learning (SEL)?
Social Emotional Learning is the process by which individuals learn to understand and manage emotions in order to learn empathy, how to achieve goals, and how to relate to others among many other things.
Social Emotional Learning: How Students Grow & Develop Through Service
Topics: volunteering, community service, college prep, service, volunteer, service learning, social emotional learning
Today's high school students are the future of our workforce. Before long they will be in college or starting full-time jobs of their own. But how are today's students preparing for their futures? What will the workforce look like when these students move on to the next stage of their lives?
Topics: college acceptance, college prep, college preparation, edtech, career readiness, work-based learning, CTE, internship tracking, wbl
Engaging Teens in Community Service: An Essential Guide to Growing Up
Topics: service reflections, service hour tracking, college prep, how to engage students in service, career readiness, service learning, community service ideas, social emotional learning, community service tracking form, student service, student outcomes
From Community to Career: How Service Prepares Students For Employment
When students participate in community service it expands their world-view and opens them up to ideas and opportunities they might not have experienced otherwise. They learn about the importance of helping others and have a chance to discover an area of focus for a potential future career.
Topics: community service, service reflections, college prep, service, volunteer, how to engage students in service, career readiness
Tips for Engaging Students in Community Service this School Year
It's so easy to get caught up in admin work and managing day-to-day activities that sometimes. spending time engaging with students can fall to the wayside.
Talking with your students, seeing how they are doing, encouraging them in school and in service, are huge elements of a student's education. It can be easy to give students a community service requirement, but that process should be more than just checking a box. Students need to be engaged in community service - and that's where you come in.
Topics: community service, service hour tracking, college prep, service requirement, service, volunteer, how to engage students in service, engage students in service
Guest Post: College Preparation Tips for Students and Parents
Guest post courtesy of SignUpGenius
Preparing for college can feel like a daunting task for both students and parents. No matter where you are in the timeline — from starting your first college tour list to packing for the first semester move — we have tips that will help simplify the process.
Topics: college acceptance, student, college prep, college preparation, signupgenius