As the current school year nears a close, spring break is a great time to complete community service hours, especially if they are required for graduation! Students, using your time off from school to make an impact in your communities, is a great example of demonstrating personal and emotional growth.
Topics: spring break, volunteer ideas, community service ideas, spring break community service ideas, service ideas
As Spring Break approaches, now is a great time for students to start brainstorming how to fulfill their volunteer hours during the break. This is a perfect opportunity for students to use the time off from school to engage with their communities.
Topics: community service, spring break, volunteer ideas, community service ideas, spring break community service ideas, service ideas, student service
Spring break is the perfect time of year to lay by the beach, go on a trip, hang out with friends or volunteer at your local nonprofit organization or help someone in need. The days you have off during spring break are a great time to get plugged in to the community, make a difference in someone else's life and knock out some of your service hours for the year,
Topics: volunteering ideas, volunteering, community service, spring break