Justin Wakeland High School
At Justin Wakeland High School in Frisco, Texas, the number of students taking part in community service is on the rise—and Wakeland guidance counselor Kristy Phipps attributes this increase, in part, to software that makes it easy for students to track and report their service hours. “It used to be just the overachievers who did community service,” Phipps concludes. “Now, more kids are getting involved, because it is so accessible.”
The system saves time for administrators. Phipps estimates that she spends 40% less time processing students’ community service information since Wakeland started using x2VOL.
Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders
Over 60% of the graduating students at ARS are first generation college students. Each girl realizes how critical it is to have support from the community and mentors open to donors they had never thought were open to them. In turn, these students know that they have the ability to help others because so much has been given to them.
In the last 2 years, ARS students have logged close to 50,000 hours of community service. And each student will graduate from ARS with 100 or more hours of community service completed. It is a lot to manage but x2VOL has simplified the process to keep it manageable and successful.
Frisco ISD
In the 50,000-student Frisco Independent School District in Texas, community service is a key part of the school district’s fabric. High school students are encouraged to volunteer with local nonprofit organizations, and students logging at least 100 hours of community service receive special recognition when they graduate.
With at least half of the students at the district’s seven high schools taking part in some form of community service, keeping track of all those hours was a real challenge for administrators. But a software program called x2VOL from intelliVOL has greatly simplified the process, says director of guidance and counseling services, Brenda Berry—while making it “much more accurate” as well. ... [Click the link below to read the full case story]
Fairfax County Public Schools
Watch a short video on Fairfax County Public Schools and x2VOL