Almost every private high school requires service. Students are serving on campus and in their community more now than ever before. They enter college and the workforce expecting to serve in some capacity.
Believe it or not, managing service hours is not as easy as it sounds. Especially if your school uses paper forms. Paper forms!
Everything seems to have evolved so quickly to digital solutions with the exception of tracking and managing service hours. This unwieldy paper tracking is slowly being replaced with digital solutions that align with 21st century initiatives. x2VOL is the most widely used online and mobile service tracking platforms used in K12 today.
Private schools switch to x2VOL for different reasons but one thing they all have in common is that they want to get rid of the paper process. Here are the top 3 barriers to tracking service hours with paper forms:
1) Verification & Falsification
Students volunteer in their communities throughout high school. They gain valuable experience and make a positive impact. Students carry the mission of the school out into the community through their service. Paper forms require a physical signature. Ask any service director how confident they are in the signature and the responses will vary. It's not discussed much but it is top of mind and if information is falsified, consequences (sometimes severe) are imposed. Authentication of the service data is important. The ability to follow up digitally is also important. Moving to a digital service tracking solution prevents falsification. Sponsors on site at organizations verify service participation digitally. This raises the credibility of the participation.
2) Tracking & Reporting is not Centralized
Many students have more than one service goal. They may have a service goal for Theology, a goal for NHS and another goal for student council. They may be working toward a Presidential Service Award. The list is endless and the goals are different. It is difficult for students to manage separate goals manually. It is almost impossible for the school to see a consolidated report of the impact their student body makes in the community on an annual basis. By taking advantage of a one-stop-shop
3) Capturing Service Reflections & Student Formation
Service directors have the unique advantage of witnessing the transformation of students' hearts through service over the course of four years. They guide students on their service journey and encourage direct and indirect service for the benefit of the student. Paper-based reflections become disconnected. By combining the reflection and the service digitally, it allows the student to reflect over time and in context. They see their own transformation and growth.
What barriers are you experiencing with paper forms? If you are interested in going digital with the administrative side of your service program then contact us today. We would love to know more about your service program.