School programs, organizations, and classes across the country have eliminated paper and use x2VOL to track, reflect, and report on student service and volunteer hours all online.
Topics: service, how to engage students in service, service learning, social emotional learning, pal, pals, tracking pals hours
Reducing Service Falsification on College Applications
The news is riddled with stories of college applicants bucking the system and working outside of the rules to get into universities of their choice.
College acceptance nowadays takes so many things into consideration when evaluating an applicant. It's more than just about their grades. It's about their extracurricular activities, the sports teams they are on, the clubs they are in, their standardized test scores, and who they are as a person. The stakes are high and students are feeling the pressure.
Topics: community service, official service transcript, college acceptance, social emotional learning, college admissions, falsification