According to the Department of Education, successful work-based learning education has three important elements: “the alignment of classroom and workplace learning; application of academic, technical, and employability skills in a work setting; and support from the classroom or workplace mentors”.
Topics: work-based learning, CTE, wbl
Why Tracking Community Service Online Protects Student Privacy
A recent article in District Administration talks about how going paperless with student data creates more privacy and security. This reminded me of the evolution of x2VOL. x2VOL was created to help students capture their positive impact throughout high school. Some students have service requirements while others have service recommendations. Either way, students gain a lot of experience and insight that lead to character development and growth.
From Student to Employee: The Transformative Power of x2VOL
Before joining the National Honors Society in high school, the idea of volunteering and serving others rarely crossed my mind. As a young student-athlete, I believed I never had enough time in my schedule to engage in volunteer work. However, upon becoming a member of NHS, I was required to complete a certain number of volunteer hours. This compelled me to start volunteering within my school, and it didn't take long for me to contemplate participating in larger-scale projects.
Topics: national honor society, nhs, community service, service reflections, volunteer, engage students in service, professional development, finding belonging through service
Summer vacation is a great opportunity for students to engage in their communities and gain valuable experience through volunteer work. Volunteering not only helps others but also provides personal growth, skill development, and a sense of accomplishment. By making service a daily or weekly habit students can create a positive routine and develop strong connections with others. Here are 18 summer volunteer ideas for students who are looking for inspiration:
Topics: community service, volunteer ideas, summer service ideas, service ideas
In a time where connection is seemingly only built through phone screens and Instagram comments, in-person, face-to-face connection between students is dwindling. Lack of social interaction and seeing past immediate needs and wants can leave individuals feeling isolated and alone. Unsurprisingly, students can be left lacking a sense of belonging.
Topics: community service, service, how to engage students in service, engage students in service, service learning, finding belonging through service
Topics: student, social emotional learning, student service, student development
As Spring Break approaches, now is a great time for students to start brainstorming how to fulfill their volunteer hours during the break. This is a perfect opportunity for students to use the time off from school to engage with their communities.
Topics: community service, spring break, volunteer ideas, community service ideas, spring break community service ideas, service ideas, student service
Today's high school students are the future of our workforce. Before long they will be in college or starting full-time jobs of their own. But how are today's students preparing for their futures? What will the workforce look like when these students move on to the next stage of their lives?
Topics: college acceptance, college prep, college preparation, edtech, career readiness, work-based learning, CTE, internship tracking, wbl
The holidays are a wonderful time of year, but they can also be a difficult time for a lot of people. This time of year offers a lot of opportunities for students to get involved and serve people in their communities.
Service should continue throughout the year, but the holidays are also a great time for students to step out of their traditions and daily habits to benefit someone else.
Topics: holiday service ideas, holiday service ideas for students, holiday volunteer opportunities
Student service is on the rise. Student service programs in schools are returning to “pre-pandemic” status while students need re-education on the significance of service.