As the current school year nears a close, spring break is a great time to complete community service hours, especially if they are required for graduation! Students, using your time off from school to make an impact in your communities, is a great example of demonstrating personal and emotional growth.
Topics: spring break, volunteer ideas, community service ideas, spring break community service ideas, service ideas
Students! Community service is an important part of your high school career. Through service you have the opportunity to build character, make an impact in your community and develop a resume of volunteer experience you can utilize in your college applications.
Topics: volunteering, service tracking, official service transcript, service hours
5 Tips on How to Create a Day of Service in Your School – From Allen HS
Student Service Ideas to Encourage Deep Reflection & Student Growth
Are your students on the hunt for service ideas? We've got you covered. Whether your students are doing in person, socially distanced, or virtual service experiences this semester, there are so many opportunities for your students to get involved and make a difference in their communities.
Through these service experiences, students have the opportunity to reflect on their impact, grow as individuals, and heal emotionally from the changes they've experienced over the past year.
Topics: engage students in service, social emotional learning, service ideas, how to track service, virtual service, low contact service ideas, online service tracking
Social Emotional Learning: How Students Grow & Develop Through Service
x2VOL has received the CODiE Award for Best Social Emotional Learning Platform two years in a row. But what is Social Emotional Learning (SEL)?
Social Emotional Learning is the process by which individuals learn to understand and manage emotions in order to learn empathy, how to achieve goals, and how to relate to others among many other things.
Topics: volunteering, community service, college prep, service, volunteer, service learning, social emotional learning
The Impact of Community Service on College Acceptance [Infographic]
With the new school year underway, now is the time for students to start deciding which universities to apply to. Students may be wondering “How can I make my application stand-out from other applicants?” Leveraging community service experiences is a great way to stand out from the competition. It showcases the student’s leadership, compassion, and a commitment to making a positive impact.
College admissions officers look at more than just grades and test scores when evaluating who they accept into their universities. They want to have an in-depth look of who the student is apart from the numbers behind their name. They want to know the student's personality, their interests, their passions and if they will be a positive addition to the university's campus life.
College admissions officers are looking for:
Topics: community service, college acceptance, how to get in to college, infographic, service reflections
How reflections play a role in student development & service learning
Student development outside of academic achievement has become a priority for schools across the country. Educators focus on student outcomes that revolve around social-emotional growth and skills development in addition to academics.
Topics: service tracking, community service, service reflections, service learning, student service, student outcomes, student development
The holidays are approaching! This is the perfect time of year to spread holiday cheer by volunteering and helping others! For students who have volunteer hours to complete, the holidays offer many opportunities for you to sign up! Below is a list of holiday service ideas for students to consider: