Many secondary schools across the nation have been around for generations. Some are even over a century old. Their values and mission have been long established and so have many of their processes and procedures.
Many secondary schools across the nation have been around for generations. Some are even over a century old. Their values and mission have been long established and so have many of their processes and procedures.
Topics: community service, technology, edtech
When logging and recording service hours served by students, it's vital for admins to have confidence that the hours were completed as stated, not falsified and ultimately accurate. Not only does acceptance into clubs and groups depend on students completing a specific number of hours, but, many times, it's a graduation requirement, a class grade and can impact scholarships as well as college admissions.
Topics: volunteering, preventing students from falsifying service hours, service hour tracking, track student volunteer hours, service requirement, service hour verification, verification
Summer is the perfect time of year to knock out community service hours and volunteer to make a difference in your community. There are so many different ways you can get involved and various organizations you can benefit with your time and service. Check out these summer service opportunities:
Students in schools around the country are serving their communities. The students at KIPP Atlanta Collegiate in Atlanta, Georgia, are no different. These students have a school requirement of 140 hours, but often go far beyond even the school requirement to log hundreds of hours of service to their community.
Topics: school profile, track student volunteer hours, service requirement, kipp atlanta collegiate
Guest post courtesy of x2VOL Partner, Parchment
Preparing K-12 Students For Future Opportunities
Theoretically, the available options for secondary school graduates are the same as they’ve ever been. Students have the choice of going to college or entering the workforce. In reality, however, the steps involved have become much more complicated. Businesses want more skilled workers, and schools want more robust students. Both institutions ask for proof that incoming students and new hires can meet these demands.
Topics: college acceptance, college preparation
The semester is coming to a close and will be over before you know it! Along with finals, graduation prep and standardized testing, it's also the time to wrap up organizing and reporting on your students' volunteer hours in x2VOL and start preparing for the fall.
Get started now and get ahead of the game. Follow these x2VOL end of school year best practices and make your job and life that much easier.
Topics: track student volunteer hours, service requirement, x2VOL end of year best practices, best practices, x2VOL best practices
Guest post courtesy of SignUpGenius
Preparing for college can feel like a daunting task for both students and parents. No matter where you are in the timeline — from starting your first college tour list to packing for the first semester move — we have tips that will help simplify the process.
Topics: college acceptance, student, college prep, college preparation, signupgenius
Every month we are highlighting a different school who's students are engaged and active in serving their communities.
Topics: community service, school profile, keller high school, track student volunteer hours
Going digital is an ongoing trend. Society has turned to the internet to do every day things such as paying bills online, shopping online, completing school work online or even tracking community service hours online.
Topics: community service, service hour tracking
It's a topic that is always discussed - preventing falsification of service hours. Paper forms and physical signatures make falsification tempting to many students in public and private schools. We'd like to believe that it's a rare occurrence but many service leaders know who they need to double check.
Topics: volunteering, service tracking, community service, preventing students from falsifying service hours, service hour tracking
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