x2VOL Blog: Tracking Service Hours at your School

Add Diversity in Service Hours Opportunities

Posted by x2VOL on Sep 10, 2015 11:41:35 AM


Diversity is something we value. At its core, diverse means different than what we know. The familiar becomes mundane. Introducing diversity spices things up, creates a change of pace, and teaches us how to adapt. We want our students to experience diversity because our world is diverse. We want to grow adept individuals who succeed in whatever environment they encounter.

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Top 5 Reasons to Go Digital with Service Tracking

Posted by x2VOL on Sep 3, 2015 3:12:00 PM
Is there an app for that? It is hard to find something these days that there isn't an app for. However, when it comes to tracking community service, most institutions are still using good ol' fashion paper and pencil. It's time for the service tracking norm to be up to speed with 21st Century iniatives --Let's get digital!

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Reflections for Every Service Project

Posted by x2VOL on Aug 27, 2015 10:55:00 AM
After a student completes a service project, he or she should be encouraged to write about the experience. The reflection doesn’t need to be lengthy; it just needs to be an honest reflection of the student’s feelings and evaluation of the experience.

The goal here is for the student to spend a couple of extra minutes thinking about what the service meant and what was learned from the experience. By doing this, students see the deeper value of service; they learn it is more than just something to check off the list and experience meaningful personal growth.
Whether students are tracking service, internships, or work-based learning hours, they should write a reflection about their experience. This step is crucial in gaining deeper understanding from their experiences and can be leveraged on college and scholarship applications. 

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Top 5 Community Service Scholarships for Students

Posted by x2VOL on Aug 20, 2015 10:00:26 AM

One of the most prominent challenge students face today when headed to college is paying for tuition. However, there is a plethora of scholarships and awards available for students. 

Students who are involved in community service should check out the scholarship and award opportunities below. If you’re a student, we encourage you to apply today! If you're a school administrator or family member of a high school or college student please share the opportunities listed. 


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Measure Impact Beyond the Number of Service Hours

Posted by x2VOL on Aug 12, 2015 2:15:56 PM

All too often, a school officials think that the number of service hours reported is an indication of a student's success in volunteer community programs. While this is part of the evaluation, it is far from complete. The experience has an impact on the student's growth as well as on the school and community. Transformation takes place. Things change. People change. And society is better for those changes. 

The impact each student has on the community needs to be captured through the observations and comments by the student, teacher, counselor, administrator, sponsor, parent, and any other person of interest in a community service project. This is the best way to measure its impact and total value. This is the information which will make a student stand out for college or scholarship recognition. 

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Make Your Service Tracking Program Accessible

Posted by x2VOL on Aug 5, 2015 4:10:29 PM

Administrators, parents, and students need direct and quick access to the student's volunteer history. Volunteer history can be neatly tucked away in a binder, tucked away in cabinet, tucked away at the corner of the oom. Or, it can be out in the open, easily seen for all. We suggest the latter.

Students and parents need direct access to the student's service hours for several reasons. It can be used for scholarship applications and job applications. It enables parents to check on their child's progress and accountability.

It allows school adminstrators to provide follow-up and encouragement as well as find more diverse opportunities for the student. 


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Simplifying Service Sign-Up

Posted by x2VOL on Jul 29, 2015 2:04:00 PM
Before x2VOL, the freshmen at Loyola High School would fill out a paper-based form indicating which two tutoring sessions they would volunteer for. But it was a challenge for Angela Moran, Community Service Coordinator, and her colleagues to staff each tutoring session appropriately, or to confirm whether the students showed up.
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Top 5 Points of Communication for Student Service & Volunteering

Posted by x2VOL on Jul 28, 2015 3:27:00 PM

Let’s think like a student. 

When a student is looking for a book, he isn’t going to go the cafeteria- unless there’s such a thing as a libra-teria and your school has it (in which case… you probably can’t relate to this analogy). No, the student will go to the library to find the book he needs. Similarly, when the student looks for communtiy service, he needs to have a destination in mind.

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Using x2VOL: Perspective from a Nonprofit Organization

Posted by x2VOL on Jul 23, 2015 12:17:06 PM

Imagine a community where everyone is working together to serve. The community values serving others and finds importance in teaching their younger citizens this honorable habit.  This is the kind of community, Cassandra Shed- Director of YoungLife Southwest Dallas, hopes to build.  

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x2VOL Awards: The unexpected benefit of serving our customers!

Posted by x2VOL on Jul 23, 2015 11:24:00 AM
The best validation for a great product is seeing the benefits that our customers experience using x2VOL. We are fortunate to receive recognition in the form of awards over the years. Our service tracking platform was designed with our customers in mind, so the accolades we've recieved over the years are just a reflection of the benefit we're providing to schools across the nation. 

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Tracking High School Service Hours